NSFAS Allowances For Private Student Accommodation
Since its founding, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has assisted over five million students in obtaining postsecondary education credentials. They were able to do this by offering students full funding, which attempts to pay for every expense related to earning a degree.
Registration and tuition costs are covered by NSFAS bursaries. They also come with multiple student NSFAS allowances. This covers a stipend for lodging.
Many students live distant from the universities or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges where they are enrolled, necessitating housing close by. Students who require lodging are given allowances by NSFAS.
How NSFAS Private Accommodation Allowances Operate
Students who reside in approved private housing may be eligible for an annual housing stipend of no more than R50,000 if they live in an urban area. It is only R41,000 if your accommodation is in other, more rurual, regions. This applies to university students website and TVET College students.
Each student is eligible for only one type of accommodation allowance per academic term.
TVET College students who are registered on an occupational qualification may qualify for allowances only if in simulated training, students registered on an occupational qualification that have an employment contract and are paid stipend do not qualify for NSFAS allowances.
Distance learning students do not qualify for an accommodation of any kind.
NSFAS explained that if the accommodation lacks certain services, NSFAS or the institution will determine the maximum amount for the accommodation.
In cases where landlords fail to provide data, students receive a monthly allowance equivalent to R2,000 per year to cover data expenses.
Similarly, if landlords can't ensure consistent water and electricity, students receive an annual utility allowance of R5,000 directly.